How Women Inspire: Invest, Lead, Give

Generative AI Storytelling and Responsible AI with Katie Trauth Taylor

How Women Lead Season 1 Episode 106

Since the release of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, the whole world has been buzzing about AI. While it has proven incredibly useful in businesses and is sure to keep changing the technology game, AI and large language models don’t come without their fair share of problems to be corrected. Inaccuracies and biases in the data used in AI present many problems. Katie Trauth Taylor is no stranger to these issues and is working through her company Narratize to create a platform that corrects these issues for innovative enterprises. This week’s episode 106 of How Women Inspire Podcast is about generative AI storytelling and responsible AI! 

In this episode of How Women Inspire Podcast, Katie Taylor shares the importance of creating AI that accounts for bias and actionable steps you can take right now to utilize AI for storytelling at an enterprise level. 

Katie Trauth Taylor, Ph.D. is CEO & Co-founder at Narratize AI, the Generative AI storytelling platform for innovative enterprises. Katie is a growth-focused entrepreneur executive with 10+ years experience inspiring teams to design and deliver magnetic products, memorable experiences, and groundbreaking impacts. She has led strategic innovation narratives and served as a senior content strategist within fast-growth tech startups and the Fortune 500, including Boeing, NASA, Hershey, Sunoco, the United Nations, and many more. She believes that everyone can be an innovator--when empowered to share their bold ideas.

Some of the talking points Julie and Katie go over in this episode include:

  • The lack of women founders in the AI industry and its effect on data bias.
  • What is responsible AI and how does it address bias?
  • Using AI and large language models to increase effective communication of scientific discoveries.
  • The importance of storytelling in enterprise growth.

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