How Women Inspire: Invest, Lead, Give

Inviting Women to Embrace Disruption with Charlene Li

April 03, 2024 How Women Lead Season 1 Episode 110

Society and business are slow to change. Without leaders using disruption to create positive change, we would likely never see improvements to our quality of life, both personally and professionally. But there is evidence that shows women are less likely to be disruptors, since we grow up hearing that being disruptive is a negative trait. Charlene Li is here this week to encourage women to embrace disruption and see it as a strength. This week’s episode 110 of How Women Inspire Podcast is about empowering women to embrace disruption and drive positive change! 

In this episode of How Women Inspire Podcast, Charlene Li is sharing the importance of learning to embrace disruptive thinking as a woman and actionable steps you can take right now to incorporate generative AI into your work as a leader. 

Charlene Li is the Founder and CEO of Quantum Networks Group, an organization founded with the goal of helping disruptors and innovators succeed by providing a community—live and virtual—of like-minded individuals. She is a New York Times bestselling author of six books, including The Disruption Mindset, Open Leadership, and the critically acclaimed Groundswell. Charlene is a sought-after expert on disruptive transformation, leadership, customer experience, and the future of work, having worked with hundreds of organizations to provide winning strategies for disruptive growth.

Some of the talking points Julie and Charlene go over in this episode include:

  • The gender gap in distuprive thinking and how women should embrace disruption.
  • How generative AI can be a useful tool in disruptive change and leadership work.
  • Taking care of yourself before giving of yourself to others.
  • Being decisive and clear about what you want.

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Navigating Generative AI: A CEO Playbook

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